Open water season starts in May - schedule now available!

Open water season starts in May - schedule now available!

  • Advanced Nitrox

Advanced Nitrox

TDI's Advanced Nitrox course is designed for divers who want to deepen their understanding of nitrox diving and take their skills to the next level. The course covers a range of topics, including advanced dive planning, advanced decompression theory, managing oxygen exposure, and the use of nitrox in deep diving scenarios. Upon completion of the course, divers will receive TDI Advanced Nitrox certification, which authorizes them to use nitrox mixtures with an oxygen content up to 100% for diving, and to plan and execute decompression dives using nitrox. This certification is highly valued by technical divers, who are looking to increase their bottom time, reduce their decompression obligations, and enhance their overall diving experience. The TDI Advanced Nitrox course provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to use nitrox in a responsible and efficient manner in demanding diving environments.

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