Open water season starts in May - schedule now available!

Open water season starts in May - schedule now available!

  • Specialities


Computer Nitrox Diver

Want longer bottom times? Shorter surface intervals? This is the class you are looking for. Nitrox is a breathing gas that has a lot of benefits for both new and experienced divers. This course will cover the use of Nitrox mixtures from 22 to 40 percent oxygen.

Don't see a class that works with your schedule? Contact us to talk about additional class options.

Interested in technical diving? Want to learn the math behind what your dive computer is doing for Nitrox? Check out the TDI Nitrox class instead.

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

Who this course is for:

  • The certified diver looking to advance their knowledge and skill set
  • The certified diver looking to extend their no decompression time limits

Course prerequisites:

  • Minimum age 18, 10 with parental consent
  • SDI Open Water Scuba Diver, SDI Junior Open Water Scuba Diver, or equivalent, or current enrollment in one of those courses

What you can expect to learn:

  • Physiology of using different breathing gas mixtures and equipment considerations for using nitrox
  • How to safely use nitrox mixtures up to 40 percent with a dive computer
  • Advantages and disadvantages of utilizing nitrox mixtures, how to analyze a nitrox mixture

What’s in it for you?

The benefits of using Nitrox including:

  • Increased safety margins
  • Reduced post dive fatigue
  • Extended no-decompression times

SDI Computer Nitrox minimum requirements:

  • 100 percent comprehension of questions and answers at the end of each chapter in the SDI Computer Nitrox Diving Course
  • Analyze at least two nitrox cylinders
  • Log at least one nitrox cylinder
  • Program a nitrox computer to a mix between 22-40 percent oxygen

What Gear is Provided for Class

  • Cylinders (tanks)
  • Air Analyzer

How to Prepare for Class

You will receive a detailed email with instructions regarding how to prepare for class from If you do not receive this email, please be sure to let us know ASAP. 

Here is an overview of what is required before your first day of class:

  • Send us your proof of certification unless we already have this on file
  • Log into your SDI account and sign the required waivers. There is a medical waiver that may require a doctor's signature if you answer YES to certain questions. For instructions on how to access this, please click here
  • Complete all ELearning in SDI. For instructions for how to access your ELearning, please click here

What to Bring to Class

  • Dr signature on your medical form, if required. You can also upload this to your SDI account

Cancellation Policy

We understand that issues and sickness due arise. You can find the details of our cancellation policy by clicking here

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