Open water season starts in May - schedule now available!

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Ashton Broadhead

Ashton Broadhead

About me:

My full time job is being an ER/Trauma RN (soon to be for the Air Force) specializing in backcountry & wilderness medicine. With that specialization, I have the opportunity to teach courses to medical staff which includes diving and marine medicine which has been awesome and quite practical on a few trips (don’t pee on the Jellyfish stings). I have always loved the water and the ocean. I loved taking marine biology classes in high school for the fun of it and was a competitive swimmer for eight years. When I’m not diving or working, I love snowboarding, backpacking, rock climbing, and pretty much anything that gets me outdoors

Diving Since: 2021 

Dive Professional Since:  2023 

Got Certified Because: I have always wanted to learn how to dive. I was a competitive swimmer for a long time and have wanted to learn even as a kid.  

Most Memorable Dive Moment:  My first ocean dives were in the Cayman Islands. Katie Murphy and I were dive buddies and I was transfixed on a lion fish on the cliff of a drop-off right after a swim-through on the coral reef. After several moments trying to get my attention, Katie grabbed the back of my BCD and turned me around to see a reef shark that was only 10 feet away swimming right toward us. 

Favorite Course to Teach or Assist:  Open Water. The look of pure fascination on new divers never gets old. 

Favorite Place to Dive: Shore diving in Bonaire.

Bucket List Destination: The Maldives
